The Importance of Advanced Cold Chain Monitoring Systems

If you want to maintain high quality milk and dairy products, you need to monitor and manage the cold chain logistics in a very careful manner. A minor discrepancy in cold chain monitoring can have a serious negative impact on the quality of the product. This situation invites a lot of problems including bad taste, unpleasant odor and extreme sourness. You may also have to deal with color changes, aggregation, texture oriented issues, pH reduction and appearance related problems. Above all, those, who consume these products, become highly prone to the health risks connected with the growth of the bacteria.

Slight temperature variation reduces the shelf life seriously

The most suitable temperature to safeguard maximum taste and freshness in milk and dairy products 32 to 36 Degree Fahrenheit or 0 to 4 Degree Celsius. This is a very critical temperature range and this range needs to be maintained during every phase of transport starting from the dairy farm. Various research studies show that even a minute difference in the storage temperature lowers the shelf life of the milk and milk products by 50%. It has been found out that majority of the temperature variations in the milk and dairy cold chain take place during the loading and unloading procedures.

You can find high quality and most advanced end-to-end cold chain monitoring systems in the market these days. These systems optimize the risks to milk and dairy quality in the best manner and they help stop wastage by offering real-time information for emergency as well as long term rectification procedures.


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