Effective Cold Chain monitoring Through Mobile App Interfacing The Parameters

The first of its kind Internet of Things based solution provider for dairy equipment applications has wide range of applications in various steps of operations in a dairy. Right from milk production monitoring, the company has derived sophisticated Cold Chain Monitoring as well.

Milk collected through various collection centers and door-to-door collection systems is transported to a dairy through cans loaded in vehicles. To preserve the milk for longer periods it would be necessary to pasteurize it. This involves heating it to a specified range of temperature and then cooling it. This typical cold chain will have specialized equipment for pasteurizing and chilling. Apart from just maintaining the specified range of temperature for various purposes, the cold chain monitoring system also collects the real time data regarding volume of milk, temperature at the entry and exit points and temperature range maintained for pasteurizing and chilling. Thus it can be useful to prepare reports regarding cold chain.

We can control and monitor temperature at various points of the cold chain through the mobile apps designed for monitoring. Thus it would be easy to preserve milk through accurate controls. As milk is a perishable food item it has to be maintained chilled to preserve it from bacterial action that lead to deterioration. The process designed for preserving milk needs to be followed precisely and the apps assist us in achieving the accuracy of the process and maintain the records easily with lowest efforts.

Thus we can expect real time monitoring for efficient cold chain monitoring through the specialized apps.


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