Temperature Monitoring System For Monitoring And Control Of various Processes In Dairies

Dairy farm is a growing business in rural India. Farmers come together to form a co-operative association and collect milk, preserve it and send it to a district based dairy regularly. There are many other modes through which the business is operated. There many private players in the industry and some government owned organizations as well.
For preserving the milk for longer periods, dairies have chiller stations where the milk is pasteurized and chilled. Apart from various equipment such as pasteurizer and chiller; there would be Temperature Monitoring System deployed to maintain the specified range of temperature of milk for specific operations.
Pasteurization of milk involves heating the milk up to a specified range of temperature. The equipment has plate heat exchanger and piping to transfer the heat to the milk passing through. Temperature monitoring is essential to measure the temperature of the milk entering the unit and at the exit point as well to ensure that the required temperature is attained.
Similarly, in chilling station the equipment would have a minimum and maximum temperature value within which the temperature needs to be maintained. As the lowest temperature would be achieved, the system will switch off and as the thermostat will notify the highest value of temperature, it will start again to chill the milk to the desired temperature. Temperature monitoring system would enable us to get the real time readings of the temperature at various points instantly and make necessary technical adjustments in the equipment.
Thus we can have comprehensive control on the entire process carried out in a dairy through the temperature monitoring system.


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