Application That Monitors Chilling Process For Milk Preservation

Most of the dairy farms in India collect milk from a specified territory and preserve the milk, pack it in different volumes and sale the milk through their dealers’ network. Some other dairies manufacture milk products from the collected milk apart from just selling the milk in packets. For all these operations the dairies require a sophisticated chilling center.

Milk would be initially pasteurized to preserve it for longer time. Milk is passed through a unit called pasteurizer that raises the temperature of the milk to a specified level for specific time phase. Later the milk is chilled in a chiller. Chilling center consists of equipment that drops down the temperature of milk through electrically operated refrigeration cycle. There are sophisticated applications that assist the chilling centers in the dairies to monitor the temperature ranges and other parameters while cooling the milk.

The application can set up on an android based smartphone and would have several interesting features for monitoring chilling center locally and through remote sensing. We can detect over-chilling and under-chilling through temperature sensors attached to the app. We can also detect any breakage in the cold chain. We can configure the maximum and minimum temperature value through the monitoring system provided by the app. Thus the chiller station will maintain the range of temperature required to preserve milk before packing.

We can also monitor the volume of milk, the milk pump for lifting the milk, the agitator that keeps on stirring the milk that is essential to maintain uniform temperature and fat. Thus the application would make the chilling process for milk preservation very simple to manage.


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