What is Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD)?

milk Production application

Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD) is the initial point of raw milk entry in dairies in India. It is particularly applicable for the treatment of milk procured in cans, from villages situated across a wider region. It is very much different from the bulk milk collection system that also operates in various dairies. The milk collection process begins from the villages, groups of which are allotted to different Milk Truck Routes. The Milk cans from distinct villages of various such routes are delivered at the RMRD, after which the milk is weighed & examined distinctly to provide a milk receipt statement basis the unrushed parameters during the daily shift.

These cans of various village milk collection centers emerge from various routes are unloaded at Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD). In order to ease the procurement and enhance milk collection process, automated and technology-enabled RMRDs are being used in place. Today, a huge majority of dairy farm employ advanced technologies to make the most out of their business and available resources.
This technology is comprised of embedded system combining both hardware & software along with self-contained programs that tend to be encapsulated in one piece of hardware. The system can be further improvised by the design engineers that diminish the cost and also the size of the product as these systems are designed for the distinctive applications.
The designed system integrates different technologies that may include the employment of load cell for the weight measurement of the milk, solenoid valves for the regular flow of the milk, IR pair sensor for the detection of the bottle at the milk discharge point, Chilling centreto refrigerate the milk, flow sensor for the specific quantity of the milk to be released in the bottles and the USB use of PIC controller.


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