
Showing posts from October, 2017

Milk Procurement Process At Dairies simplified By Apps For Milk Testing Equipment

Dairy farms collect milk on commercial basis and preserve milk and distribute to the dealers for retail sale in packets. Most of the dairies will have number of collection centers in rural areas in a specified territory. The farmers that supply milk in smaller quantities are paid according to the volume of the milk and the fat count. The collection centers would be equipped with Milk Testing Equipment . As the pay for the supplier depend on the quantity and quality of milk supplied, it is most essential to test the milk for at least two parameters at the time of procurement. The collection center would have an electronic weighing scale for weighing the milk being supplied. At the same time the fat count of the milk is also measured through small equipment. We need to collect the sample of milk in a small beaker and keep it in indicated place. The equipment will stir the milk thoroughly and through the sensors it will display the fat value of the sample through a digital display. ...

Temperature Monitoring System For Monitoring And Control Of various Processes In Dairies

Dairy farm is a growing business in rural India. Farmers come together to form a co-operative association and collect milk, preserve it and send it to a district based dairy regularly. There are many other modes through which the business is operated. There many private players in the industry and some government owned organizations as well. For preserving the milk for longer periods, dairies have chiller stations where the milk is pasteurized and chilled. Apart from various equipment such as pasteurizer and chiller; there would be  Temperature Monitoring System  deployed to maintain the specified range of temperature of milk for specific operations. Pasteurization of milk involves heating the milk up to a specified range of temperature. The equipment has plate heat exchanger and piping to transfer the heat to the milk passing through. Temperature monitoring is essential to measure the temperature of the milk entering the unit and at the exit point as well to ensure that...