The Importance of Temperature Monitoring System
The Temperature Monitoring System is one of the Latest Kind of Technology used in Milk Procurement System. Its fundamental objective is to preserve the quality of milk poured in, by cooling down the temperature of the milk to 4°C. So checking the growth of bacteria responsible for the deterioration of the quality of milk. So no Sourage/Curdling of milk which saves lots of monetary loss and its dairy producers. Alongside, use of this Temperature Monitoring System has reduced expenditure cost on Purchase of milk cans and their lids. Moreover, giving reasonably more time to pour milk to milk producers, residing at the farther distance from BMC DCS increasing no of milk producers, as well milk procurement. It also helps the DCS in getting accurate values of milk Quantity, Fat percentage, and SNF. All these factors lead to increase in viability of BMC DCS. Now this financially sound DCS can give additional milk purchase Price to its milk producers, during the Lean season. But for all this...